Funds Request Form

This form is to be used by Terrace Elementary Teachers, Staff, PTA members, and volunteers when requesting grants from the PTA general fund for student programming or equipment.


1. Fill out completely with description of funding request for your future expenses. 

2. Attach copies of proposals or invoices, preferably as a PDF.
3. REMEMBER – PTA DOES NOT PAY SALES TAX on items purchased for its use; therefore sales tax will not be reimbursed.  Sales Tax Exemption forms can be provided upon request. Email for Sales Tax Exemption form.
3. A receipt of your submitted request will be emailed to you (keep for your records).

4. PTA Treasurer will email you with the PTA decision's of your request following the next Executive Board meeting.

Who will PTA be paying for these items being requested? Yourself, Business, etc.?

Are you a member of the PTA?

Program Category

Which PTA program or event are you requesting funds for?

Please list all items to be purchased. You can upload an invoice below.

Indicate the reason for requesting funds from the Terrace Elementary PTA.

This is where you can upload an invoice or additional document regarding your request.

Will PTA pay you directly or vendor?

Tax Exempt Form
Do you need a tax exempt form for your purchase. PTA will not reimburse sales tax on any purchase. We can send you a sales tax exempt form to use.

Is this request for a district-approved vendor?

Please leave any notes or additional information you would like the PTA to know about your request.

I, the requester, understand that I am requesting funds from Terrace Elementary PTA and such funds are restricted under the guidelines set forth by Texas and National PTA. I will provide any documentation requested by TCE PTA to authorize a payment or review the appropriateness of this request.