Communication Request Form

Terrace Elementary PTA Website, Instagram/Facebook, and Principal Newsletter SUBMISSION REQUEST FORM



  • Please fill out the information below to be considered for the TCE PTA website, social media sites, and/or Principal Newsletter.
  • Entries must be submitted the Thursday before the Sunday Principal Newsletter. If it is not submitted before Thursday, it will go into the next week's newsletter and/or other social media sites.
  • Questions? Please contact TCE PTA Communication Chair, Milly Sordo Lackey at
Submitter Type

Submission Type

Please list the date you wish to start publishing. Submission must be sent by Thursday to be included in Sunday Principal Newsletter.

If you would like this to be published on multiple dates between your state and end date (reminders, etc), please list those dates here.

Please enter this EXACTLY as it should be published. It is best to upload your wording as a flyer in JPEG or PNG format. This way it is posted EXACTLY the way you want. Our PTA website has limited fonts and colors.

Photography Permission

If your image or graphic includes any photos of students please confirm that you have received approval from their parent/guardian that their photo can be published on our public sites. Posts will be removed immediately if permission was not approved.

If you would like to include the names of those included in your photos, please include them here in order from left to right.

Please provide link if needed to attach to an image, graphic, flyer, or information.

Please enter any notes, links, or questions, etc.